Professional Pet Sitting ServingCoastal Virginia Communities

Critter Sitters and More is happy to serve our pet families in: Newport News, York County, Poquoson, and Hampton.

dog walking

Dog Walking

Pet Visits

Pet Visits

Potty Breaks

Potty Breaks

dog walking

Dog Walking

Pet Visits

Pet Visits

Potty Breaks

Potty Breaks

What is a Critter Sitter?

We understand that caring for your critters (fur babies) is so much more than simply taking them for a walk or cleaning the litter box. Our Critter Sitters (pet sitters) are dedicated to providing a safe, loving environment when you are not home.

We will get to know each little (or big!) personality, medical needs, routines, habits and so much more to ensure the best of care.

Critter Sitters and More = Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Coastal VA

Getting Started is Easy!

Critter Sitters and More offers pet owner’s access to their account, schedule, invoices and payments, as well as client information. We utilize the best in technology to keep you connected to your team with the Time To Pet app! Register and log in on your computer or your mobile device to access all your pet care and home care instructions.

The Client Application can be downloaded directly from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store. You can access the app by using the same login credentials used to access your Client Portal.

Download Our Mobile App

Critter Sitters and More offers pet owner’s access to their account, schedule, invoices and payments, as well as client information with Time To Pet!

Stay in the Know!

Quick and Simple Sign Up

Quick and Simple Sign Up

Register and log in on your computer or your mobile device to access all your pet care and home care instructions.

Easily Book & Manage Services

Easily Book & Manage Services

You can schedule or cancel services, make changes to your care instructions and upload photos of your pets. You can see what services you have scheduled and which sitter is scheduled to come out to see your fur babies. You can also add payment information to pay by credit card online through Stripe!

Conveniently Message Your Sitter

Conveniently Message Your Sitter

Enjoy peace of mind while you are away with our daily updates and ability to message your sitter directly in the mobile app.

Device Iphone Fashion App Instagram post
Device Iphone Fashion App Instagram post

Benefits of using a Professional Pet Sitter

Why should I use a pet sitter instead of boarding my pet at a kennel?

Reduced stress

Reduced stress

Your pet remains in their own familiar, secure setting. We are trained professionals, dedicated and reliable.

Diet and Exercise

Diet and Exercise

A normal diet and routine are followed. Exercise serves as a mischief deterrent and is good for your dog’s health.

No travel trauma

No travel trauma

Travelling to a family member or friend’s house, or to a boarding facility will upset your pet.

No travel trauma

Health & Well-being

Less exposure to illness of other animals when your pet stays in its own environment.

Background Checks

Background Checks

Thorough criminal background checking and employment references are completed by management.



You won’t need to spend time transporting your pet to and from another location.

Bonded and Insured

Bonded and Insured

Should any unfortunate circumstances arise, your pets are in the hands of a legally formed company.



We alter lights, close blinds and take in your newspaper to give your home that “lived in” look.

Our Affiliates

What our clients say

“I can’t say enough good things about Critter Sitters! Absolute professionals, on-time and a great value. I loved that I got a report complete with photos for every single visit! My fur babies LOVE our sitter and we highly recommend them.”
Critter Sitters and More Logo

Jodi Dean

Pet Parent of Simba, Oreo and Finn and Foster Parent Extraordinaire

“I am not waiting until I get home on Monday to express how extremely delighted I am with the care that Jennifer and her crew are giving my 2 Irish setter’s… I have absolutely no reservation highly recommending this team for your pet care!”

Critter Sitters and More Logo

Lynne Harley

Pet Parent of Savvy and Keagan
“We choose Critter Sitters because we trust our loved ones will be well taken care of.”
Critter Sitters and More Logo

Liz Garret

Pet Parent of Smitters, Toby, Shushu, and Sadie
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