Top 3 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Although fun for humans, Halloween isn’t a hoot for all animals. Consumer spending on Halloween-related items is expected to reach an all-time high of $10.14 billion! According to the National Retail Federation, people will be celebrating spending $3.32 billion on costumes alone, not to mention candy, decorations and tickets to events! Twenty percent plan to dress their pet for the occasion. To ensure a safe time for all, Jennifer Morrone of Critter Sitters and More is encouraging you to practice these Top 3 Halloween Pet Safety Tips, and to sign up for a Pet First Aid Class. “As hard as we try to keep our dogs and cats safe, life sometimes gets in the way, so I am here to teach pet parents and caregivers what to do when the worst happens,” explains Jennifer.


Pet First Aid Classes provide skills in how to handle a choking pet, upset tummy, poisoning, seizures, insect stings and hot & cold injuries BEFORE veterinary care is available. Jennifer trained to instruct under The Pet Safety Crusader™ (aka Denise Fleck), who has shared animal life-saving skills with more than 25,000 pet lovers. “Costumes can distort human shapes making people scary, while ghoulish shrieks cause animals to dart from the safety of their homes. Candy can be a choking hazard while chocolate can be fatal to dogs and cats. Look at Halloween from your pet’s perspective to keep it safe,” Fleck says.


1) Watch Pets at all times, especially when opening the door to Trick or Treaters to avoid escapes. Halloween is 2nd only to the Fourth of July with the number of animals that end up at shelters. Walk dogs BEFORE it dark, and make sure ID tags are legible and microchip info is up-to-date. Letting your furry kid nap in a back bedroom may be the PURRfect plan.


2) Dress-up?

Not! Unless your pet is comfortable in a costume, a festive bandana could be the best choice. If your dog or cat, however, doesn’t mind a disguise, make sure nothing obstructs his vision, that elastic doesn’t cut off circulation and that no pieces (ie: sequins, buttons, string) can be chewed off and swallowed. Ease your pet into wearing for short periods, make sure clothing will not overheat him and that he is never left unattended in a costume.


3) Deadly Treats & Decorations Candy wrappers can block the intestines; raisins can result in kidney failure, while chocolate can be fatal. Candles inside jack o’ lanterns can burn paws and snouts, and even start fires if over turned. Spray string and fake spider webs can be toxic, so keep food and decorating dangers out of paws reach!


To learn more about keeping your pet safe, read our blog or sign up for our Pet First Aid class.



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