Critter Parent Resources

Pet Resouces for our Clients

Critter Parents need the best information to take care of their pets. Here are some resources for you to use.

Pet First Aid

Learn Pet First Aid:
9 out of 10 pets will face an emergency in their life time. Learn what to do to minimize pain and prevent further injury until you can get to veterinary help.


Travel Checklist

Preparing for your Pet Sitter

8 Tips to Prepare for a Disaster

Emergency Disaster Kit Contents for your Pet


The Ultimate Guide for Renting With Pets – Learn More

8 Tips for Year-Round Dog Paw Health. – Our goal is to prevent dog paw problems when possible & detect potential problems early; get ahead on your pet’s paw health with this article. Learn More.

New Study Reveals Pet Obesity on the Rise. – Despite owners’ increased interest in pet health, pet obesity continued to increase in 2017, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. Learn More.

Discounts and Financial Aid Resources for Pet Insurance. – Find tips for insurance discounts and more in this article. Learn More.

How to Properly Store Chemicals & Allergens. – Many pet owners are unaware of the risks in their home that put their pet’s life at risk every single day. Find out how to keep your pets safe with this article. Learn More.

Home Modifications for Disabled and Senior Pets. – Do you love a senior or disabled pet? Here’s how to modify your home for them. Learn More.

Online Resources

5 Ways to Save on Vet Costs – Vet care can be one of the most expensive parts of owning a dog, accounting for more than 25% of the total annual costs. You should budget at least $250 per year for routine vet costs, plus emergencies. Most dog owners will experience at least one emergency during their dog’s life that will cost upwards of $2,000.

8 tips for moving with pets – Moving ranks in the top five for life’s most stressful events. Your environment is disrupted, you’ll have to make another house a home, and get your bearings in the new area. All of this is true for your pet, too – minus the ability to express how they’re feeling. No doubt pet owners do a lot of preparation before the big day, but in case you need some extra help keeping your fur baby in mind, here are a few simple steps that can ease the stress of moving with pets.

10 Common Dog Sleeping Positions and What They Mean — You’ve likely noticed your dog sleeping in all sorts of different positions. But did you know their sleeping position can actually clue you in to how they are feeling? Learn how to decode what your dog’s sleeping position means and find out how to help them have the best sleep possible.

16 Ways to Help Your Dog Get Over its Fear of the Vet – The ultimate goal is to have your dog love visiting the vet – every time!

18 Essential Items for your Dog’s First Aid Kit – Your dog is part of your family, and the best way to keep your family members safe is to prepare for the what-ifs that come with living with dogs. Learn how to handle emergency situations, keep your dog first-aid kit stocked and ready, and prevent common injuries and illnesses by following the advice outlined in this article.

45+ Discounts on Disaster & Emergency Preparedness Supplies for Your Pet – We’ve put together an updated, definitive list of discounted emergency supplies, bulk dog food options, and pet emergency preparedness courses. New for 2018, we’ve added a section on preparing pet identifications and papers for emergencies.

A Complete Guide to Pet-Proofing Your Home – A home should be a safe and comfortable retreat for every member of the household — and that includes any four-legged ones that share this space as well. Here are some tips to make sure your home is a safe haven for your pet family.

A Guide to Psychiatric Service Dogs

ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

Animal Wellness Magazine

Benefits of Pets for Kids – The Essential Guide – This guide is a very comprehensive resource on the many benefits of having pet animals for children. It also covers what it takes to own a pet, why a pet is a healthy addition to any child’s upbringing, how to take care of pets, and pets for special needs children and plenty of other useful advice and information.

The Benefits of Sharing a Bed with Your Dog – Naplab examines what science says about the benefits of sleeping in the same bed with a dog. Is it right for you? Find out now.

Create a Pet Friendly Office Policy – What you need to know.

Dogs and Home Owners Insurance – This article is will help show you how to get past those hurdles, and how to get a policy despite what kind of dog you have.

Dog Breeds and Property Insurance: 2023 Homeowners Guide Many home insurance companies provide coverage for claims involving dogs on your property. These companies, however, often exclude certain dog breeds from their coverage list.

Driving with Pets 

Essential Oil Safety with Pets – Essential oils have been a part of civilization for centuries. From uses in healing to perfume, they’ve been applied to the human condition in more ways than one. People who own pets, however, should take extra precautions when handling or using essential oils on or around animals. Cats and dogs can be especially susceptible to illnesses due to exposure to the compounds in these oils. If pet owners decide to use essential oils while treating animals’ maladies, they should check with a veterinarian to verify that their use won’t harm pets and get suggestions for safe, diluted products.

FidoAlertFidoTabby Alert is a FREE nationwide pet alert network connecting you to thousands of local Pet Finders in your area to bring your lost dog or cat home safe and sound.

Furry Guests Welcome: The Ultimate Guide to Pet-Friendly Weddings!The connection between humans and animals goes back centuries. With 57% of UK households now owning some kind of animal companion, it’s understandable that couples would want this important member of their family to be present at their big day. In fact, a poll of 1000 pet owners by ManyPets showed that 85% of British couples feel that their pet is vital to their relationship.

Gum Disease in Pets: A Complete Guide – Is there a better way to a pet’s heart than food? Our pals love chowing down — that’s why it’s important to keep their teeth clean and healthy so they can enjoy all the treats and meals to come. Periodontal disease is one of the most common health issues our dogs and cats can face — it negatively impacts your pet’s quality of life, and treating it can be expensive. Read on to learn more about periodontal disease, along with tips from Fetch’s team of veterinary experts on what symptoms to look out for and how to prevent and treat it.

How Much Do Dogs Sleep? – If you’re a dog parent, you know they love to sleep. But why do they sleep so much, and are they really dreaming when you see their paws twitch in their sleep?

How to Travel with a Cat – Cats make great pets. They’re low-maintenance, they don’t eat that much and they keep to themselves. However, when it comes to traveling with your cat on vacation, it can be a little tricky.

Pet Owners World – Fall/Winter 2018 Magazine PSI’s new digital magazine, Pet Owner’s World, shares information pet parents need to keep their pets happy, healthy and safe. The magazine will be a biannual publication with Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer issues released each year.

Pets and renters insurance: Why you need it – If you are looking to cover your pet’s health and medical costs, buy a pet insurance policy in addition to your renters policy. If you have a “dangerous” dog breed, consider getting a canine liability policy

Pitbull Tribe – An educational resource for pitbull owners

Pooching Around – A website that covers pet products and also have some detailed breed guides.

Sacred Friends Inc. Wildlife Rehabilitation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Virginia that saves wild animals!

Seniors and Pets Studies have shown that owning a pet can be physically and mentally beneficial for people of all ages. Aging in Place is a resource hub for seniors and their families to learn more about the specific aspects of aging in place. You can visit our one stop shop for expert know-how in order to make the best decisions about loved ones aging in place. The council has an exceptional article weighting the reasons why seniors should have a pet, including the companionship, exercise, and therapeutic benefits which leads to living longer and happier.

Pawsome Kitty – Want to know more about your feline friend? Visit this blog for great training videos and articles on feline nutrition & much more!

How To Choose The Right Veterinarian – Whether you’re moving to another state, or you’ve just adopted a new friend, here’s everything you need to know about finding a veterinarian that’s right for you.

How to read your cat’s body Language – Cats may seem like mysterious creatures that are impossible to read, but our felines are actually communicating with us all the time. Find out more about what your kitty is trying to tell you with this article.

The Ultimate Guide to Cat Body Language – Cats are mysterious creatures, but their body language gives you big clues to your cat’s mood. As an avid cat lover and someone who has had cats all my life, I wanted to know more about how cats communicate with each other and the people in their homes.

Pet Travel

10 Must Have Tips When Traveling with Pets – Traveling with your furry friend? Be sure to take a look at these tips to make travel safe & fun!

The Complete Guide for Traveling with Pets – Find helpful hints, pet friendly airlines, and hotel discounts with this article.

The Ultimate Guide for Traveling With Pets: You may have considered taking your furry bundle of joy away with you on holidays. But have you put much thought into the logistics of travelling with your fluffy companion?

A good deal of preparation and planning is a must whenever you go on holiday, but if you have pets, your to-do list may be that much longer.


How to Travel with a Cat – Cats make great pets. They’re low-maintenance, they don’t eat that much and they keep to themselves. However, when it comes to traveling with your cat on vacation, it can be a little tricky.

RVing’ with Pets – This article has everything you need to know about having your critters live and travel the Recreational Vehicle life!

Trips with Pets – is the premier online pet friendly travel guide — providing online reservations at over 30,000 pet friendly hotels & accommodations across the U.S. and Canada.

Pet Food Nutrition & Reviews

There are thousands of varieties of dog food on the market that may claim to be “premium” and “all natural,” but there are very few regulations on what it takes to meet these qualifications. Bad ingredients are rampant in mainstream dog foods and misleading marketing tactics can make it difficult to determine which brands are safest.

Buying the right dog food is essential to keep your dog healthy, happy and full of energy. Different dogs need different types of food, and the kind needed can vary based on the dog’s stage of life, general health and special needs. This means your dog’s needs can change over time, so knowing which dog foods are best during different stages of life can improve your dog’s quality of life.

Here are a few websites that can help:


For The Cat Families:


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